Agronomy, Business & Management

Weather Analysis

Monday 11th of January at The Boathouse in Wisbech. Many of you will know Jim Bacon of Weatherquest well we’ve asked him to run a course for us this winter. He will aim to show why a small outlay in terms of signing up to a weather service can actually save dividends overall. What the difference really is between free information and ‘paid for,’ the results in profit terms. Half day sessions will run 9am – 12.30pm or 1.30pm – 5.00pm, with a buffet lunch being served in the middle. The sessions will cover - • Current models available • Media products including how to interpret the crazy headlines, which we often get quoted back to us • A broad look at good information and bad information and how to sort out which is which and make decisions off the back of it • Discussion on how local winds work, i.e. the mechanism which gives a lull at dawn and dusk and why it sometimes doesn't work • How sea breezes work across the Fens and the behaviour of winds near a crop canopy • Cost benefit examples • A live screen access to the web to interpret the current day's forecast portal • A question and answer session to round things off. Members will then have the opportunity to sign up to a free trial for the following 4 weeks with email support.

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