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GDPR - Get ready for changes in data protection by adopting our policies

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply to training companies from 25th May 2018. Now is the perfect time for your company to prepare.

The GDPR replaces the current Data Protection Act and is regulated by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The GDPR strengthens the rules around personal data and requires organisations to be more accountable and transparent.

Be prepared - adopt and adapt our policies
UKRS have developed a number of GDPR policies and procedures as general guidance for our members to use and adapt specific to their own requirements.

There's a wealth of benefits to joining UKRS (plus we have a FREE trial) but one of the most poignant is that you can use our very latest data protection policy documents to ensure you run your business in accordance with latest changes in customer data protection.

Policies to give you confidence
The batch of new policies we've added for our members ensure you can have confidence you are meeting the standards outlined in the new regulations. Our batch of policy documents includes the following:

- GDPR Audit Policy
- GDPR Audit Procedure
- GDPR Complaints Procedure
- GDPR Data Breach Notification Procedure
- GDPR Data Portability Procedure
- GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment Procedure
- GDPR Data Protection Officer Job Profile and Rationale
- GDPR Data Protection Policy
- GDPR Data Subject Consent Procedure
- GDPR Data Subject Withdrawal of Consent Procedure
- GDPR Information Security Policy
- GDPR Managing Third Party Processing Procedure
- GDPR Nonconformity Policy
- GDPR Privacy Procedure
- GDPR Privacy Statement
- GDPR Retention of Records Procedure
- GDPR Staff Training Policy
- GDPR Subject Access Request Procedure
- GDPR Transfer of Data to Third Countries Procedure
- GDPR User Access Policy

Our UKRS data protection policies represent just a handful of the 50+ policy documents that as a member you can customise and utilise for your business to ensure you are running your business following industry standards.

Join UKRS today and start using our GDPR policies
Join as a UKRS member today and get instant access to our wealth of GDPR policy documents and guidance. Joining is easy - simply visit, choose your membership package type and fill in the registration form.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to speak to someone, email us on or phone 01366 500050.

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