The Institute of Agricultural Secretaries and Administrators

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23 Brackenhill Lane, Brayton, Selby

North Yorkshire, YO8 9RY

Phone/Fax: / 01604 770372


Website: Visit website

The work undertaken by a farm administrator, a farmer or an accountant requires a level of understanding of issues, rules & regulations and terminology that is unique to agriculture. For those without this experience or who would like to have their knowledge level recognised, IAgSA has developed a series of online training courses collectively known as Farm Accounting and Business Administration.

IAgSA's online Farm Accounting and Rural Business Administration training programme is becoming available during 2022 (Courses 1 and 2) and 2023 (Courses 3, 4 and 5).

Courses are spread across several weeks. Students receive pre-work 3 weeks before the Course’s Zoom virtual classroom date, and need to return the pre-work test 1 week before the Zoom class. Afterwards, students participate in the Course Zoom virtual classroom sessions, then immediately after perform the online course assessment..

Please go to the IAgSA website for specific course dates and booking details.

Areas covered - North Yorkshire, Warwickshire

Course types covered

  • Business & Management

Industries served

  • Arable - Agriculture
  • Livestock - Agriculture

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Upcoming live courses on UKRS system (Please note the provider may have courses running which are not in our system)

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