We offer a wide ranges of courses for both Business and Individual training. The courses page provides an indication of the range of courses we intend to offer and we invite you to consider the contents to see if we can fulfill your training needs.
Failing that, we can provide a training needs analysis service to help you determine your training requirements. If you do not see a course advertised to suit your requirements, then in the first instance contact us via the contact page or email (info@landbasedtrainingltd.co.uk) and we may be able to design a course specifically to suit you or your company.
We offer on-site / premises delivery and we are able to deliver most of our range of short courses on our site or on your own premises throughout the country if needed whichever best for your requirements, i.e. using the equipment and resources that your employees are familiar with and without them having to travel to Land Based Training centers / sites.
Upcoming live courses on UKRS system (Please note the provider may have courses running which are not in our system)